Moorfields Primary School gets on-board anti-bullying
We want all children at Moorfield to enjoy school, so we take pride in the high standards of good behaviour that our children show in and around the school. We believe that good behaviour and respect for each other and our surroundings give us a happy atmosphere in which to learn. We are on the look out for good behaviour and you will be rewarded for it.
We promote the values of our school and have sanctions in place for poor behaviour including bullying. We expect all pupils to behave well and treat everyone with respect and fairness – bullying is not tolerated at this school. The assembly programme supports our expectations and they are discussed in both the PSHCE, and SEAL curriculum. We have an anti-bullying group called ‘Vikings Against Bullying (VAB)’ that you can join; they deliver a whole school message, organise competitions, and act as monitors to ensure that children feel safe at school.
Everyone is responsible for the safety of all children and all adults will reinforce the values of the school on a daily basis. If you are worried about anything you should tell an adult in school at the earliest stage. Of great concern to us is homophobic bullying and racial or religious abuse; please pass on any concerns you may have.
We have very high expectations concerning behaviour and hope to develop your understanding of the impact of the choices you make, whether positive or negative.
Everyone is responsible for the good behaviour of all children and all adults should reinforce the rules whenever appropriate, every parent signs the home school agreement on their child’s entry to the school. We SAY NO to bullying and encourage all children to speak out straight away if they see or hear anything that they are concerned about.
Following our whole school assembly by POD , parents of our younger children may wish to purchase copies of the book. Pod is Children’s Author Lucia Davies’ first published Children’s book. Pod is a small green lizard with a kind heart. When a witch and wizard are up to mischief in Tanglewood, Pod comes to investigate. He finds a baby chick and a turtle in distress and in need of help. When Pod is tricked into drinking a magic potion all seem to have gone wrong. As the weather changes and harsh winds and torrential rain cause Tanglewood to flood the magic begins.