The Mayor Visits
Lucia Davies shared her anti-bullying story, Pod, during an assembly at BGS which was attended by the pupils from the Infants, Junior Boys and Junior Girls. She was joined at BGS by special guest, The Deputy Mayor Michelle Wiseman.
Children’s entertainer and author, Lucia Davies held an inspirational assembly in front of the whole school where she performed her story, ‘Pod.’
The story is about a small, green lizard named Pod, which has a powerful anti-bullying message behind it, allowing children to interpret the story in their own unique way by drawing the scenarios and opening doors for discussion about consequence for action, forgiveness and remorse.
The book is designed to be a tool for parents and teaching professionals to use at home or in the classroom to communicate the underlying message of anti bullying.
Headteacher, Vicki Hall, said: “It was great having Lucia at the school to get the message about anti-bullying across to the children, in a way which captures their attention by making it fun and by encouraging participation, especially during anti bullying week.”